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If you are looking at this, chances are you purchased one of the Nootripure products in order to be able to experience our proprietary cannabinoid compound Nootriplex. Nootriplex is in every Nootripure product and is at the core of every one of the Nootripure products. So in terms of ingredients, this is probably one of the most important. But did we forget to include it in the product? Because the label doesn’t explicitly state that there are ‘cannabinoids’ in the product. Did we make a critical error by accidentally forgetting to include the most important ingredient in all our products? Or is there a reason the label is the way it is? Well, actually there are many reasons for this.
Firstly, some people expect that there is CBD in our products. However, this is untrue. There are dozens of cannabinoids, cannabidiol (CBD) is only one of them. We created a proprietary cannabinoid compound that is not cannabidiol. However, for the purpose of healing there is not much difference between the two.
Secondly, cannabidiol (or any cannabis derived product) is illegal in most places in the world. If we used CBD instead, most of our customers would go to jail as many countries have very strict laws regarding cannabis. So we derive the cannabinoids from 3 different spices found across the Asian continent. So the word “cannabinoid extract” is true, but the word “essential oil extracts” is also true as Nootriplex is both an essential oil extract, and a cannabinoid.
Lastly, we label the product “essential oil extracts” to avoid suspicion. Even if there is no cannabis derived products, if we were to put the word “cannabinoids” on the label, it would result in a criminal investigation in most countries. They won’t find anything illegal in the products as we have complied with every US law and FDA, GMP, NSF regulation when creating the products, and have successfully tested every ingredient including Nootriplex with 3rd party labs to ensure that everything that is shown on the label is indeed in the product and is free of contamination. But still, we don’t want to make the shipping process more difficult than it needs to be.
Hopefully after reading this article it will clear up any confusion about the Nootriplex ingredient, it’s legal status, and why it is not described in the same way it is shown in our marketing. If you have any other questions about Nootriplex or the Ingredient labels, then please feel free to contact us.