Why is mental illness an issue?

Every day, millions of people suffer from a taboo condition referred to as mental illness. Most people do not want to talk about mental illness or even be around those who are thought to have a mental illness. Even those who don’t feel that their mind is working well feel ashamed, as if they are a horrible person for the health of their mind not being well, only to be reinforced by the opinion of those around them that don’t understand it either. This has led to people suffering in silence, hiding their disease from their friends, family, themselves, and even trained professionals that could potentially resolve their issue. Our busy, fast-paced, modern society only has room for productivity and progress, but no room for mental health. We teach our kids that it’s okay to work long hours, stay up late, and watch screens all day, but we have little or no teachings for taking care of one’s mental hygiene. This stigma around mental health has caused an explosion of mental illness around the world. Let’s improve mental health/wellness by supporting the Nootripure foundation.

How many people are affected by mental illness?


Nearly half of all people will experience a mental illness some time in their life. So are we too loosely throwing this term around to be any type of negative thinking? Well, these stats represent people who cannot perform normal functions in their life because of their state of mind; some more severe than others. But this doesn’t even include all the people you might know that complain about day to day brain fog, tiredness, lack of energy, shyness, etc. These are representations of poor mental health but are not included in the stats for mental illness. So in reality, the numbers could be much bigger.

Number of People with Diagnosed Mental Disorders in the United States (Millions)

But is this really worse than other diseases?


What starts out as completely treatable conditions such as anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar, are left untreated, and eventually become more serious conditions that can stay with the person the remainder of their life. This has led many people down the path to alcohol and drug abuse, destroyed family relationships, the inability to maintain a job, homelessness, and even suicide.

Furthermore, mental illness often leads to other health and societal problems. In this list are a few things that have a direct link with mental illness.

  • Skin disorders
  • Heart disease
  • Homelessness
  • Criminal activity
  • Unemployment
  • Poverty
  • Domestic violence
  • Neurological disorders
  • Business errors
  • Lower productivity

How much does mental illness cost?


Compared to heart disease, diabetes, or cancer, medical efforts and research for mental illness is severely under-funded; even though mental illness is way more costly and more widespread than heart disease, diabetes, or cancer. Here is an example of the difference in average cost of care between someone with dementia, and someone with cancer. The point is not to say that one illness is worse than the other, but to point out that mental illness costs more than people think. Especially considering there are large fundraisers for cancer all over the world, but there are no major fundraisers for mental illness.

Avg Costs of Care (USD)


These are the total global costs for each of these illnesses. However, keep in mind that 60-70% of heart disease patients suffer from depressive disorders, men with anxiety disorders are 2x as likely to die from cancer, and people with mental disorders are 2.3x more likely to get diabetes. Its not that mental illness is the cause of these diseases, but it has been shown that it is a significant contributing factor in the development of other diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes. So a portion of their costs should be added to mental illness to more accurately reflect the actual devastation caused by mental illness.

$1.7 Trillion
$8.7 Trillion
Heart Disease
$15.6 Trillion
Mental Illness
$16.3 Trillion

If mental illness is costing this much on a global scale, what is it costing you?

We Are already Paying

In this calculation we are including productivity lost from not being able to work, the loss of productivity from the 70,000 drug overdoses and 44,000 suicides each year, and the amount the healthcare system spends on mental health services. These costs get added to your taxes and insurance premiums and we pay for them even if we are perfectly healthy. These numbers are based on US statistics.

Mental illness is costing each US tax payer about $3,000 each year.

If mental illness is costing so much, why should we spend even more?

For every dollar spent on mental illness prevention, we get about a $4 return.

The World Health Organization (WHO)

It is actually costing us more to not invest in preventative mental health/wellness programs. This statistic was put out by the World Health Organization as it applies to nations. However, if we use a little deductive reasoning, we will find that the 4x multiplier of wealth is relatively accurate to communities and individuals. The key takeaway is that the more we invest in taking care of our mental health now, the more prosperous we will be… on average about 4 times as prosperous.

Is there hope for better mental health?

Absolutely! We are only a few steps away from turning these statistics around. It may seem overbearing, but we have a plan.

Educate people about mental health.

If people know better, they do better. The biggest and most important challenge regarding mental health is a severe lack of education in our society. That is why we have dedicated the entire Nootripure University to help educate people on the importance of mental health. Prince Ea, a famous artist also saw the importance of basic education of mental health and created this video.

Play Video

Credits to Prince Ea. Find the full video here.


Create more effective tools for mental health.

Right now almost all mental health solutions are to help people cope with their conditions or to reduce the symptoms of their condition. But we ask, why even put yourself in the position to have a “condition” in the first place? Why not make products that one can take preventatively to avoid mental health issues to begin with? Well, it’s not cool or fun to take health products for the mind. But if you look at the Nootripure testimonials, you will find quite the opposite.


Stand up for mental health.

Join thousands of others to take part in being an advocate for mental health. As part of our community, we give you awesome benefits and full access to Nootripure University. All we ask is that you help educate yourself and others about mental health. In the Nootripure University is information about all the major mental health non-profit organizations offering free services to those in need. Knowledge is not only power, but freedom to control how one thinks and feels. Give the gift of mental health to someone you know. Let’s make improvements in mental health and support the Nootripure foundation mission.


Help advance research for mental health.

There are only a handful of solutions that can permanently resolve minor mental illnesses currently in existence. It is our goal to have the technology to resolve almost any mental illness within the next 10 years, permanently. This isn’t counseling services, this isn’t outreach programs, this isn’t a volunteer run classroom. This is real science, reaching thousands of people, resolving mental health problems permanently on all continents of the planet. Please help support the quickest and most effective resolution for mental illness.

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