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Thriiv is designed to make you feel only more of who you are. You should feel more “yourself” than ever if the Thriiv does it’s job well. We found in our beta testing that making one feel “relaxed”, “euphoric”, “energetic” or “hyper focused” only detracted from productivity measurements. Thriiv is designed to give you the neurological resources to help you be as productive as possible. This can only happen from being in a very balanced, clear minded, alert, and moderately optimistic state. More often then not, people will simply look back on their day and just feel a sense of peace throughout their hectic day. The normal things that were always bothersome were suddenly of no concern, leaving one to be mindfully focused on the task at hand. It is a subtle change in neurotransmitter expression that makes all the difference, along with the long term healing benefits that make this your new norm.