Dong Quai

What is Dong quai

Dong quai, also known as Angelica sinesis or female ginseng, is a powerful medicinal herb belonging to the Apiaceae family of plants. People in China, Korea and Japan have been using the root of this herb for over a thousand years as a spice, tonic, and medicine to relieve constipation, increase red blood cell count (which helps treat anemia), and provide relief from menstrual disorders.[1] Dong quai has also been used by women to get rid of menopause symptoms and by men as an effective aid for relieving of premature ejaculation. Dong Quai helps suppress excess antibody production, reduce food allergies, and decrease inflammatory reactions.[2]

Dong quai health benefits

Dong quai is a plant and its root is used to make medicine. Dong quai comprises medicinal properties which really show many health benefits. Actually, in Chinese medicine this plant has been a very well-known ingredient for centuries and it has traditionally been used for everything from relieving depression to managing constipation. Nowadays, it is also often seen that Dong quai is used to help balance hormones and reduce symptoms of menopause.
The common health benefits of Dong quai include:

  • Makes bones stronger by increasing bone cell formation and helping preserve bone mineral density [3][4]
  • Helps people with diabetes [5]
  • Helps people who have heart diseases, vascular diseases, and hypertension [6]
  • Reduces inflammation [7]
  • Relieves symptoms of menopause [8]
  • Reduces depression [9]
  • Balances hormones [10]
  • Enriches blood, promotes blood circulation and modulates the immune system [12]
  • Has muscle-relaxing properties [13]
  • Relieves of menstrual disorders [14][15]
  • Helps people fight cancer [16]

Bioactive components extracted from dong quai roots include Z-ligustilide, ferulic acid and AS polysaccharides. Major pharmacological effects of dong quai extract or its components include anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, immunomodulatory, anti-cardiovascular, neuroprotective, anti-oxidative, anti-hepatotoxic and renoprotective activities.[11]
Dong quai has some compounds that may have the ability to help reduce pain, dilate blood vessels, and stimulate and relax uterine muscles. Dong quai may help with abnormal heart rhythm, hinder accumulation of platelets in blood vessels (contributing to plaque formation — atherosclerosis), promote urination, act as a mild laxative, promote sleep, and fight infection.

How dong quai works

Dong quai was initially used to relieve menstrual symptoms and cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. More recently, a clinical study showed that dong quai and Matricaria chamomilla (Climex) alleviated women’s menopausal symptoms, including anxiety, skin flushes, menstrual disorders, sleep disorders, and fatigue, symptoms that have been shown to be predictors of depression and anxiety. Dong quai could relieve chronic restraint stress-induced alterations in cognitive associated behaviors by increasing synaptic plasticity, upregulating hippocampal BDNF expression, and restoring impaired LTP and memory functions in an animal model. However, the mechanism by which dong quai extracts exert their antidepressant effect has not been fully explored.[18] Dong quai root has been shown to affect estrogen and other hormones in animals. According to a study conducted in Italy, dong quai might have an estrogenic effect and may be able to help regulate hormone levels and relieve your menopause symptoms without the use of synthetic chemicals.[17]

Recomendation and consideration

Dong quai was initially used to relieve menstrual symptoms and cerebrovascular and cardiovascular diseases. More recently, a clinical study showed that dong quai and Matricaria chamomilla (Climex) alleviated women’s menopausal symptoms, including anxiety, skin flushes, menstrual disorders, sleep disorders, and fatigue, symptoms that have been shown to be predictors of depression and anxiety. Dong quai could relieve chronic restraint stress-induced alterations in cognitive associated behaviors by increasing synaptic plasticity, upregulating hippocampal BDNF expression, and restoring impaired LTP and memory functions in an animal model. However, the mechanism by which dong quai extracts exert their antidepressant effect has not been fully explored.[18]
Dong quai root has been shown to affect estrogen and other hormones in animals. According to a study conducted in Italy, dong quai might have an estrogenic effect and may be able to help regulate hormone levels and relieve your menopause symptoms without the use of synthetic chemicals.[17]

Dong quai dosage generally ranges from 2 to 4 grams daily, usually divided into two or three split doses. However, it is always best to start with a smaller dose and work your way up to assess your tolerance.
For menopausal symptoms, take dong quai three times daily for 3 months.
For early orgasm in men (premature ejaculation), dong quai has been shown to apply to the glans penis 1 hour before sex and wash off immediately before sex.
