Choline Bitartrate Health Benefits

Leverages Choline Bitartrate as a health Supplement

what is Choline Bitartrate

Choline Bitartrate (also known as Trimethylethanolamine or choline) is the salt form of choline and an essential nutrient of lecithin found in many plants and animal organs. It is usually found in different food sources like eggs, meat, fish, peanuts, broccoli, etc. Choline is, actually, a water soluble nutrient and is similar to Vitamin B complex. Structurally it is also known as a phospholipid, or a sort of fat abundant in cell membranes. It’s a great supplement with a lot of therapeutic effects on both your brain and your body. The nootropic properties in it help boost cognitive function, improve memory and learning. Choline Bitartrate is important as a precursor of acetylcholine, as a methyl donor in various metabolic processes, and in lipid metabolism.[1] As a nootropic supplement, Choline Bitartrate is one of the least costly sources of choline. It’s thought to be a weaker source of choline than other forms of choline such as Alpha GPC and CDP-Choline. It is a potent anti-inflammatory and offers great protection for your heart, and helps post-menopausal women.

Benefits Choline Bitartrate Used as a health supplement

Choline Bitartrate’s main benefits are almost similar to the other choline supplements. It is believed that while supplementing, it enters the bloodstream and crosses over the blood-brain barrier and then enters into the central nervous system. By improving concentrations of choline, the brain can produce more acetylcholine, which is involved in everything from motor function to memory formation and learning.[2] Choline has amazing effects on your memory and your brain, and it is an essential part of the development of the hippocampus in animals. Different studies prove that the supplementation of choline bitartrate can help improve your cognitive performance. The common health benefits of choline bitartrate include:

  • Improves cognitive performance [3]
  • Enhances learning and memory [4][5]
  • May be good for heart health [6]
  • Helps post-menopausal women [7]
  • May be good for liver health [8]
  • May lower the risk of cancer [9]
  • Improves visomotor performance and decreases pupil size of healthy humans [10]
  • Helps fight off arteriosclerosis [11]
  • Improves weight loss [12]
  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory [13]
  • Improve athletic performance [14]
  • Eliminate fatigue [15]

Choline Bitartrate has an impact on your brain’s neurotransmitter acetylcholine level which affects memory, cognition, recall and learning. It also removes the brain fog and makes you able to think clearly. In your brain, it also increases neural signal transmission, and repairs neurons.

How it works

The mechanisms of action of choline bitartrate in the body are not much known. But when it enters the bloodstream, it crosses over the blood-brain barrier and then enters into the central nervous system. Choline bitartrate may have a lower effectiveness by volume than other more concentrated sources of choline. However, entering the central nervous system, it helps in the synthesis and storage of neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Actually, choline is the precursor of acetylcholine. More acetylcholine available in your neurons meaning they are better able to communicate and stimulate the cholinergic receptor sites in your brain, which leads to several different positive effects for mental capacity including enhanced memory and learning abilities. A study suggests that choline supplementation is important during pregnancy for brain development, in elderly patients for support of cognitive performance and in patients with neurological disorders to reduce memory deficits. Chronic choline administration significantly improves cognitive and locomotor performance accompanied by a reduction in oxidative stress, enhanced cholinergic neurotransmission and monoamine levels in the brain of healthy adult animals. Hence, chronic choline intake is found to improve behavioral, oxidative and neurochemical outcomes in the normal population. It is a safe and effective supplement for improving the neurological health of normal individuals.[16]


Choline bitartrate is normally considered safe and well tolerated while taken at a moderate dosage. However, some rare but unintended side effects may occur at high dosages. It may cause stomach problems (pain, diarrhea, vomiting), dizziness, low blood pressure, increased perspiration and salivation, and/or a fishy body odor. Whenever you encounter any such side effects, it is best for you to stop taking choline bitartrate for a little while, or lessen the dose level. Consult your doctor or healthcare provider before using any supplement and also speak with them about any interaction of the supplement to your body.


There is no standard dose of choline bitartrate and a safe, appropriate dosage depends on many factors including age, weight, and health status. However, according to the FDA recommendation, dosage of Choline can be at 550 mg for men and 425 mg for women each day. To get nootropic benefits from the supplement, higher dosages are often taken. So, for brain boosting effects, the recommended dosage range may be of 550 to 3,000 mg of Choline Bitartrate per day, but should not exceed 3.5 g per day. However, a lipid version of this supplement like Alpha GPC and CDP Choline may be more effective to use for brain, instead of a salt one like choline bitartrate. Seek for help from your physician for your appropriate dose of choline bitartrate supplement.
