Nootripure Foundation (A non-profit organization improving mental health.)
Why Nootripure Foundation?
In 2017, a group of neuroscientists and Eastern medicine doctors were brought together to solve a few specific mental health challenges regarding fibromyalgia. Since then numerous discoveries have been made, and new technologies have been developed. Even though there is much potential to keep creating products and make them profitable, it doesn’t really help the real issue. The real issue is that there are nearly a billion people on the planet suffering from at least one chronic mental illness according to the World Health Organization. To solve this issue, much more than a single company is going to be needed. We need collaboration. We need to get everyone on the same page… to realize that we are all on the same team in this ongoing fight for a better world.
The Nootripure Foundation is a non-profit organization for improving mental health. We deliver a new solution to improve mental health.
Lets do this together
It was an outstanding achievement, in the beginning, to make a profitable company in our second year, but we have since outgrown that goal. We are now taking on responsibility for the outcome of the war against mental illness. To do this, we realized we needed to switch to a non-profit organization. There are many technicalities and benefits of being a non-profit organization that can be summed up as increased collaboration. We need everyone on the same team. Nootripure foundation needs a global community of people who are educated and willing to spread the value of proactively taking care of one’s mental hygiene. Improving mental health is the mission for all of us.