How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory?

How Does Cannabis Affect Your Memory? Cannabis and memory? Do you have a tendency of forgetting things frequently? Do you forget the words or phrases as soon as you hear or learn them? There is a complicated relationship between cannabis and memory. Memory is the faculty by which the mind stores and remembers information. But…

CDP-Choline or Alpha-GPC?

CDP-Choline or Alpha-GPC? What is CDP-Choline or Alpha-GPC? An essential nutrient, Choline is produced in your body in small amounts, but you need to obtain the majority amount of it from the diet to avoid the Choline deficiency. When you are looking for a complete natural nootropic stack, there should be some form of cholinergic…

Male Sexual Health

Male Sexual Health Sexual Health Sex is an essential thing in our life. Besides being a pleasurable activity, sex is just another hormone-driven bodily function designed to perpetuate the species on earth. Again, it’s the activity to help strengthen the bonds between a man and a woman. And sexual health generally refers to a state…

What Is Ayurveda / Ayurvedic?

What Is Ayurveda / Ayurvedic? Ayurveda/ Ayurvedic treatment is an ancient system of healing that was developed by the sages of India thousands of years ago and still continues to be one of the world’s most sophisticated and effective mind-body health systems. ayurvedic medicine/treatment is a traditional Indian system of medicine. It aims to preserve…